Yue Sun


See also the Poster and Slides tabs for more presentations.

Invited seminars and talks

  1. The mathematics and art of paper marbling,
    Association for Women in Mathematics Research Symposium, Madison, WI, May 2025
  2. Simulating fluid–structure interaction: An Eulerian tale of two methods,
    Flatiron Institute, Center for Computational Biology, New York, NY, January 2025
  3. Simulating fluid–structure interaction: An Eulerian tale of two methods,
    UW–Madison Applied and Computational Math Seminar, Madison, WI, November 2024
  4. From “Trash Plots” to “Figure 1”: Developing (debugging) simulations for squishy solids in fluids,
    Harvard SEAS Applied Math Graduate Student Seminar, Cambridge, MA, May 2023
  5. Lattice Boltzmann reference map technique for Eulerian simulation of fluid–structure interaction,
    SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences, Pittsburgh, PA, July 2022
  6. Soft, squishy, submerged: Eulerian simulation of fluid–structure interaction with the lattice Boltzmann method,
    University of Michigan Applied Mathematics Graduate Student AIM Seminar, Virtual, March 2022

Conference presentations

  1. Three-dimensional digital twin of sample vitrification in cryo-plunging,
    APS Global Physics Summit (March Meeting), Anaheim, CA, March 202
  2. 3D simulation of sample vitrification in cryo-plunging,
    APS DFD Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 2023
  3. Eulerian simulation of fluid–structure interaction in bioinspired complex suspensions and locomotion,
    APS March Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, March 2023
  4. A fully Eulerian lattice Boltzmann simulation of multi-soft-body fluid–structure interaction,
    APS DFD Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, November 2021
  5. A lattice Boltzmann implementation of the reference map technique for fluid–structure interaction,
    SIAM Annual Meeting, Virtual, July 2021
  6. A lattice Boltzmann based reference map technique for fluid–structure interaction,
    APS March Meeting, Virtual, March 2021


  1. From Notebook to the Cloud,
    Harvard IACS ComputeFest2020, Cambridge, MA, January 2020